«Да здравствует Франция!», (Vive la France, 2013)Режиссером фильма выступил Микаэль Юн. Актерский состав - Хосе Гарсия, Микаэль Юн, Изабель Фунаро, Эри Абиттан, Жером Коммандер, Венсан Москато и другие.Табулистан – вымышленная...
Сюжет фильма однозначно интригует: два друга Эл и Макс, решившие провести уикенд на рыбалке, неожиданно для себя вылавливают полный долларов кейс. Для Макса, который служит обычным дорожным рабочим, и его...
Based on the radical Tribal XTR-A, Tribal Extreme carp rods set new standards in specialist rod development, and distances of 170+ yds are now achievable in the right hands. Utilising the XT300 Low Resin Content (LRC) ultra slim spigot blank plus Biofibre, these rods produce infinitely more power for less effort. Improved casting range is complimented with more playing 'feel' which is imperative for long range and big fish work. The subtle dark stone grey cosmetics are backed up with low profile aerospace metal pipe reel seat and butt grips. Titanium Fuji SIC guides are fitted throughout, and each rod comes supplied with a Hardwoods Green padded rod sleeve. All the rods have an individual serial number and can be registered on the Shimano site to help protect your investment. Tribal extremearp rods have been designed and tested by Team Tribal anglers Gareth Fareham and Steve Reynard, anglers who know that, when it comes to pursuit of the biggest carp, you need something extremely special in your game plan.